October 17, 2024 Longchang Chemical

What is the application of enzyme preparations in oral care?

As oral care products are daily necessities for people to maintain oral health, people are also constantly demanding higher quality. As most oral care products on the market contain a large number of synthetic ingredients, many synthetic raw materials can induce allergic reactions in high doses or concentrations, and even pose a risk of cancer. Due to their safe and efficient properties, biological enzymes are also gradually being used in the field of oral care products.

Currently, the common biological enzymes used in oral-related products and care include glucose oxidase, glucanase, protease, amylase, lysozyme and superoxide dismutase. Due to the specific effects of enzymes, different biological enzymes can produce different effects. The application of biological enzymes in oral care products not only has the effect of whitening teeth, inhibiting the growth of oral bacteria, and maintaining healthy gums, but is also safer for the human body and more environmentally friendly, meeting consumer demand for the development of oral care products.

1. Glucose oxidase in toothpaste

Glucose oxidase can specifically catalyze the production of gluconolactone and hydrogen peroxide from glucose in the presence of oxygen. Food residues on tooth stains contain glucose, so the above reaction can be localized and occur on tooth stains in large quantities, which is highly targeted. In addition, the reaction site gradually releases hydrogen peroxide, so it does not produce too much hydrogen peroxide at once and irritate other tissues in the mouth. Glucose oxidase has good adhesion on teeth and can continue to be effective. The above reaction process can effectively remove glucose, so it can also prevent tooth decay and inhibit dental plaque.

2. Glucanase in whitening toothpaste

Glucanase is the general term for a variety of enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of β-glucan, effectively catalyzing the hydrolysis of glucan into glucose. Bacteria in the human mouth, especially Streptococcus mutans, produce glucan, which attaches to the tooth surface to form dental plaque. If dental plaque is not removed in time, it will accumulate over time, causing various oral problems such as blackened and yellowed teeth and swollen and painful gums. Adding glucanase to toothpaste can help break down plaque and remove tartar, thereby achieving the effect of whitening teeth.

3. Application of protease in gum protection toothpaste

Protease is the general term for a class of enzymes that hydrolyze the peptide chains of proteins. The hydrolysis method is to hydrolyze the peptide bonds of protein molecules to liberate amino acids.

Adding protease to the toothpaste formula can loosen food residue attached to the tooth surface by hydrolyzing and breaking down the protein in the food residue, so that it can be removed with a single brush of the toothbrush. Protease can also relieve gum redness and bleeding, so its application in gum protection toothpaste has broad prospects.

4. Lysozyme in fresh toothpaste

Lysozyme is an alkaline enzyme that can hydrolyze the polysaccharides in the cell walls of pathogenic bacteria. It mainly causes the cell walls to disintegrate by breaking the glycosidic bonds in the peptidoglycan of the cell walls, and the cells burst under the action of internal osmotic pressure, allowing the contents to escape and the bacteria to die. Lysozyme can also directly bind to negatively charged viral proteins and form complexes with DNA, RNA, and deaminated proteins, inactivating the virus. Therefore, lysozyme has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and other effects. The human body’s mouth is rich in microorganisms, and microorganisms are the source of various oral problems. Lysozyme has the effect of inhibiting oral bacteria. It can adsorb to the cell walls of bacteria and cause the cell walls to break down through hydrolysis, leading to the death of bacterial cells and thus killing the bacteria. Therefore, adding lysozyme to toothpaste formulations can take advantage of its bactericidal effect to reduce the growth of oral bacteria and freshen breath.

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Compound Glucoamylase 9032-08-0
Pullulanase 9075-68-7
Xylanase 37278-89-0
Cellulase 9012-54-8
Naringinase 9068-31-9
β-Amylase 9000-91-3
Glucose oxidase 9001-37-0
alpha-Amylase 9000-90-2
Pectinase 9032-75-1
Peroxidase 9003-99-0
Lipase 9001-62-1
Catalase 9001-05-2
TANNASE 9025-71-2
Elastase 39445-21-1
Urease 9002-13-5
DEXTRANASE 9025-70-1
L-Lactic dehydrogenase 9001-60-9
Dehydrogenase malate 9001-64-3
Cholesterol oxidase 9028-76-6

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