July 19, 2024 Longchang Chemical

1. Total solids: the quantitative water samples in the 105 ~ 110 ℃ oven small drying to constant weight, the resulting weight:.

2. Nitrogen-containing compounds in sewage are four: organic nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen.

3. Kjeldahl nitrogen (KN) is organic nitrogen and ammonia nitrogen sum: Kjeldahl nitrogen indicators can be used to determine the sewage in the biological method of treatment, nitrogen nutrient is sufficient basis.

4. There are five physical forms of oil and grease in sewage:

① floating oil, static water can float to the liquid surface, the formation of oil film, accounting for about 60% of the total amount of grease ~ 80%;

② mechanically dispersed state oil, oil particle diameter greater than 5μm, more stable dispersion in the sewage, oil – water interface between the absence of surfactant;

③ emulsified oil, oil particle diameter is also large dry 5μm, but in the oil-water interface between the presence of surfactant, so more stable;

(iv) Adherent oil, i.e. oil attached to the surface of suspended groups;

⑤ dissolved oil, including dissolved in water and oil particles less than 5μm diameter oil beads. ①, ②, ③, ④ types of oils and fats can be removed by physical methods such as oil separation, air flotation or sedimentation, and ⑤ types of oils can be removed by biological method or air flotation method.

5. Coliform number (coliform value): is the number of coliform bacteria contained in each liter of water samples, in terms of one / L.

6. Pollution of water bodies: refers to the number of pollutants discharged into the water body in excess of the substance in the body of water in the background content and the environmental capacity of the water body, resulting in changes in the physical, chemical and microbiological properties of the water, so that the water body’s inherent ecosystems and functions are undermined.

7. Water environment capacity: under the condition of meeting the water environment quality standards, the maximum permissible pollution load of the water body, also known as the water body pollution capacity.

8. The basic method of sewage treatment: it is to use various technologies and means to separate and remove the pollutants contained in the sewage, recycle them, or convert them into harmless substances, so that the water can be purified.

9. Stabilization ponds: a sewage biological treatment technology that is a sewage pond with proper artificial land grooming, set up embankment and impermeable layer, mainly relying on the natural biological purification function to purify the sewage.

10. Sewage land treatment system: also belongs to the category of sewage natural treatment, that is, in the artificial control of the conditions, the sewage will be allocated to the land. Through the soil – plant system, a series of physical, chemical, physicochemical and biochemical purification process, so that sewage is purified a sewage treatment process.

11. Wetland treatment system: the sewage is put into the soil is often in a water-saturated state and the growth of water-resistant plants such as reeds, bushes and other swamps, sewage flow in a certain direction, in the flow of the process, in the water-resistant plants and soils under the joint action of the sewage is purified by a land treatment process.

12. Depth treatment: When the effluent standard of sewage treatment is some specific pollutants, the treatment process is often called depth treatment.

13. activated sludge (two expressions)

Concept 1: Aeration of domestic sewage by injecting air into the sewage, after a sustained period of time, a yellowish-brown floc is formed in the sewage. This floc is mainly composed of a large number of breeding microbial groups, it is easy to precipitate and water separation, and make the sewage to be purified, clarified, this floc is called “activated sludge” biological sludge.

Concept 2: Activated sludge is the main substance in activated sludge treatment system. The activated sludge is inhabited by microorganisms with strong vitality. Under the action of metabolic function of microbial group, activated sludge only has the vitality to transform organic pollutants into stable inorganic substances, so it is called “activated sludge”.

14. The energy content of activated sludge: the ratio of the amount of organic matter (F) to the amount of microorganisms (M) (F/M).

15. Metabolism of microorganisms: activated sludge microorganisms surviving in the aeration tank, constantly taking organic pollutants in the sewage from its surrounding environment as nutrition to be ingested and absorbed.

16. Activated sludge treatment technology, is through the adoption of a series of artificial strengthening, control of technical measures, so that the activated sludge microorganisms have. To organic matter oxidation, decomposition as the main physiological function, get full play. To achieve the purpose of sewage purification of biological engineering technology.

17. Mixed Liquid Suspended Solids Concentration MLSS: also known as mixed liquid sludge concentration, which is expressed in the aeration tank unit volume of mixed liquid contained in the total weight of activated sludge solids.

18. Mixed Liquid Volatile Suspended Liquid Concentration MLVSS: This index is expressed in the mixed liquid activated sludge organic solids part of the concentration.

19. Sludge Volume Index SVI referred to as “sludge index”: the physical meaning of this indicator is in the aeration tank at the exit of the mixture, after 30min of static precipitation, every g of dry sludge formed by the sedimentation of sludge occupied by the volume, in mL.

20. Sludge settling ratio SV: mixture in the cylinder after 30min after the formation of precipitated sludge volume accounted for the percentage of the volume of the original mixture, expressed in %.

21. Sludge age: the total amount of activated sludge in the aeration tank (VX) and the ratio of the amount of sludge discharged per day, that is, the average residence time of activated sludge in the aeration tank, which is also known as the “average residence time of biosolids”, that is:

22. BOD-sludge load (Ns): expressed in the aeration tank unit weight (kg) activated sludge, in a unit of time (1d) to accept, and will be degraded to a predetermined degree of organic pollutants (BOD).

23. Volumetric load (Nv) unit: aeration tank volume (m3), in a unit of time (1 day), can be accepted, and will be degraded to a predetermined degree of organic pollutants (BOD) amount of material.

24. Activated sludge method: artificial measures to create suitable conditions to strengthen the metabolic function of activated sludge microorganisms, to accelerate the degradation of organic pollutants in sewage sewage biological treatment technology.

25. The essence of the biofilm method: it is to make bacteria and fungi class of microorganisms and protozoa, after the animal class of micro-animals attached to the filter media or some carrier growth and development, and the formation of membrane biological sludge on it – biofilm.

26. Biofilm: attached to the growth of the surface of the solid material by a variety of micro-organisms formed by the membrane biological aggregates.

27. Biofilter: artificial biological treatment method developed on the basis of the practice of sewage irrigation.

28. The basic principle of the new theory of nitrogen removal: first partially oxidize ammonia nitrogen into nitrite nitrogen, control the ratio of NH4+ and NO2- 1:1, and then realize the purpose of nitrogen removal through anaerobic ammonia oxidation as denitrification .


Phosphonates Antiscalants, Corrosion Inhibitors and Chelating Agents
Amino Trimethylene Phosphonic Acid (ATMP) CAS No. 6419-19-8
1-Hydroxy Ethylidene-1,1-Diphosphonic Acid (HEDP) CAS No. 2809-21-4
Ethylene Diamine Tetra (Methylene Phosphonic Acid) EDTMPA (Solid) CAS No. 1429-50-1
Diethylene Triamine Penta (Methylene Phosphonic Acid) (DTPMPA) CAS No. 15827-60-8
2-Phosphonobutane -1,2,4-Tricarboxylic Acid (PBTC) CAS No. 37971-36-1
2-Hydroxy Phosphonoacetic Acid (HPAA) CAS No. 23783-26-8
HexaMethyleneDiamineTetra (MethylenePhosphonic Acid) HMDTMPA CAS No. 23605-74-5
Polyamino Polyether Methylene Phosphonic Acid(PAPEMP)
Bis(HexaMethylene Triamine Penta (Methylene Phosphonic Acid)) BHMTPMP CAS No. 34690-00-1
Hydroxyethylamino-Di(Methylene Phosphonic Acid) (HEMPA) CAS No. 5995-42-6
Salts of Phosphonates
Tetra sodium salt of Amino Trimethylene Phosphonic Acid (ATMP•Na4) CAS No. 20592-85-2
Penta sodium salt of Amino Trimethylene Phosphonic Acid (ATMP•Na5) CAS No. 2235-43-0
Mono-sodium of 1-Hydroxy Ethylidene-1,1-Diphosphonic Acid (HEDP•Na) CAS No. 29329-71-3
 (HEDP•Na2) CAS No. 7414-83-7
Tetra Sodium Salt of 1-Hydroxy Ethylidene-1,1-Diphosphonic Acid (HEDP•Na4) CAS No. 3794-83-0
Potassium salt of 1-Hydroxy Ethylidene-1,1-Diphosphonic Acid (HEDP•K2) CAS No. 21089-06-5
Ethylene Diamine Tetra (Methylene Phosphonic Acid) Pentasodium Salt (EDTMP•Na5) CAS No. 7651-99-2
Hepta sodium salt of Diethylene Triamine Penta (Methylene Phosphonic Acid) (DTPMP•Na7) CAS No. 68155-78-2
Sodium salt of Diethylene Triamine Penta (Methylene Phosphonic Acid) (DTPMP•Na2) CAS No. 22042-96-2
2-Phosphonobutane -1,2,4-Tricarboxylic Acid, Sodium salt (PBTC•Na4) CAS No. 40372-66-5
Potassium Salt of HexaMethyleneDiamineTetra (MethylenePhosphonic Acid) HMDTMPA•K6 CAS No. 53473-28-2
Partially neutralized sodium salt of bis hexamethylene triamine penta (methylene phosphonic acid) BHMTPH•PN(Na2) CAS No. 35657-77-3
Polycarboxylic Antiscalant and Dispersant
Polyacrylic Acid (PAA) 50% 63% CAS No. 9003-01-4
Polyacrylic Acid Sodium Salt (PAAS) 45% 90% CAS No. 9003-04-7
Hydrolyzed Polymaleic Anhydride (HPMA) CAS No. 26099-09-2
Copolymer of Maleic and Acrylic Acid (MA/AA) CAS No. 26677-99-6
Acrylic Acid-2-Acrylamido-2-Methylpropane Sulfonic Acid Copolymer (AA/AMPS) CAS No. 40623-75-4
TH-164 Phosphino-Carboxylic Acid (PCA) CAS No. 71050-62-9
Biodegradable Antiscalant and Dispersant
Sodium of Polyepoxysuccinic Acid (PESA) CAS No. 51274-37-4
CAS No. 109578-44-1
Sodium Salt of Polyaspartic Acid (PASP) CAS No. 181828-06-8
CAS No. 35608-40-6
Biocide and Algicide
Benzalkonium Chloride(Dodecyl Dimethyl Benzyl ammonium Chloride) CAS No. 8001-54-5,
CAS No. 63449-41-2,
CAS No. 139-07-1
Isothiazolinones CAS No. 26172-55-4,
CAS No. 2682-20-4
Tetrakis(hydroxymethyl)phosphonium sulfate(THPS) CAS No. 55566-30-8
Corrosion Inhibitors
Sodium salt of Tolyltriazole (TTA•Na) CAS No. 64665-57-2
Tolyltriazole (TTA) CAS No. 29385-43-1
Sodium salt of 1,2,3-Benzotriazole (BTA•Na) CAS No. 15217-42-2
1,2,3-Benzotriazole (BTA) CAS No. 95-14-7
Sodium salt of 2-Mercaptobenzothiazole (MBT•Na) CAS No. 2492-26-4
2-Mercaptobenzothiazole (MBT) CAS No. 149-30-4
Oxygen Scavenger
Cyclohexylamine CAS No. 108-91-8
Morpholine CAS No. 110-91-8
Sodium Diethylhexyl Sulfosuccinate CAS No. 1639-66-3
Acetyl chloride CAS No. 75-36-5
TH-GC Green Chelating Agent (Glutamic Acid,N,N-diacetic Acid, Tetra Sodium Salt) CAS No. 51981-21-6

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