September 11, 2020 Longchang Chemical

1. ICP

English name: Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometer
Model: Prodigy 7
Manufacturer: Leeman Company
Origin: United States
Technical indicators: Optical resolution: ≤0.007nm (at 200 nm); Stability: ≤1.0%; Repeatability ≤1.0%;
Detection limit: μg/L~μg/mL Wavelength range: 165nm-1100nm; Instrument type: full spectrum direct reading; Detector: CMOS solid-state detector.
Function: Analyze the qualitative and quantitative analysis of 68 elements in the periodic table. Quantitative analysis can analyze samples in the concentration range of 0.01-100 μg/mL (ppm), with an accuracy of up to 0.01 ppm, and can simultaneously perform a sample injection Multiple elements in the sample are detected.
Principle: After the sample solution evaporates and gasifies, the elements all exist in the form of gaseous atoms. Under plasma excitation, the gaseous atoms return from the excited state to the ground state to generate radiation. Because the energy levels of different elements are different, they have their own characteristic radiation lines, ICP The instrument measures the wavelength and intensity of each line in the spectrum to determine the type and concentration of the element, so as to perform qualitative and quantitative analysis.

2. XRD

English name: X-Ray Powder Diffractometer
Model: D2 PHASER
Manufacturer: Bruker
Origin: Germany
Technical indicators: Theta / Theta vertical goniometer;
2Theta angle range: -3~160°;
The minimum step angle is 0.002;
No need for light; Cr/Co/Cu target, standard size light tube;
No need for an external computer, integrated design of instrument control and data acquisition system;
No external water cooling required;
No pre-calibration required;
Generator power 300W, power supply voltage 90-250V, 50-60Hz, plug and play.
Function: Use the principle of diffraction to determine the crystal structure and grain size of the powder according to the position of the diffraction peak and the half-height width. By comparing with the standard card library, the structure and composition of the unknown sample can be inferred, and the phase analysis can be performed accurately. Qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis.
Principle: For crystalline materials, when the crystal to be measured is at a different angle to the incident X-ray, the crystal plane that meets the Bragg diffraction will be detected. It is reflected in the XRD spectrum as diffraction peaks with different diffraction intensities. According to the measured The diffraction peaks can be used to infer the structure of the crystals. At the same time, the positions of the diffraction peaks are also different due to the difference between the crystal planes of crystals composed of different elements. The detection means of matching elements can be compared with known crystals. For amorphous materials, because there is no long-range order in the crystal structure, but short-range order in a few atoms, the XRD pattern shows some diffuse scattering peaks.


English name: Electron Microscope
Model: Pro X
Manufacturer: PHENOM
Origin: Netherlands
Technical indicators: Optical microscope: 20-135 times magnification; Electron microscope: 150,000 times; Detector: High-sensitivity four-section backscattered electron detector; Filament material: 1,500 hours CeB6 filament; Backscattered electron image resolution 8nm (10 kV) , Secondary electron image resolution 8nm (10 kV); acceleration voltage: 5 kV-15 kV continuously adjustable; vacuum time: less than 15 seconds; detection element range: B (5)-Am (95) elements; Energy spectrum detector: silicon drift detector (SDD); cooling method: no liquid nitrogen Peltier effect electric cooling; energy resolution: <123 eV (Mn Kaα); detector crystal active area: 25 mm2
Function: You can directly observe the morphology of the sample surface without spraying gold, without destroying the surface structure of the sample, and at the same time obtain qualitative and quantitative information on the surface elements of the sample.


English name: Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer
Model: Tensor 27
Manufacturer: Bruker
Origin: Germany
Technical indicators: Wave number range: 4000-400 cm-1 Resolution: 1 cm-1; S/N ratio is better than 32,000:1 (1 minute test); ROCKSOLID interferometer, excellent seismic performance, maintenance-free; can be combined with infrared microscope , Thermal weight loss, gas chromatography, two-color vibration park, etc.; operating system: OPUS/IR
Function: Used to measure the infrared spectra of solid, gas, and liquid samples and in-situ reaction processes, so as to obtain different bond forms and interactions in the sample, and based on this, realize the compound composition identification, compound structure analysis, and sample chemistry of the sample Reaction kinetic analysis.

5. FL

English name: Fluorescence Spectroscopy
Model: F7000
Manufacturer: Hitachi
Origin: Japan
Technical indicators: Excitation emission wavelength range: 200-900 nm; Sensitivity: S/N >800 (RMS); S/N >250 (PP); Raman peak of water is used, excitation wavelength is 350 nm, spectral bandwidth is 5 nm, Response time 2 s; Resolution: 1.0 nm Wavelength accuracy: 1 nm; Wavelength scanning speed: 30/ 60/ 240/ 1200/ 2400/ 12000/ 30000/ 60000 nm/min
Function: Measure the fluorescence excitation spectrum, fluorescence emission spectrum, three-dimensional spectrum, etc. of luminescent materials. It can also perform three-dimensional time scan test and fluorescence lifetime test.

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This article was written by Longchang Chemical R&D Department. If you need to copy and reprint, please indicate the source

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