June 25, 2024 Longchang Chemical

1. What is the application of chitosan in beef and its products?

Beef and its products in its processing, storage and transportation, storage process, easy to corruption and deterioration, how to effectively preservation of freshness is more and more people’s attention. The effect of chitosan on the oxidative stability of beef was investigated. The results showed that chitosan was able to significantly reduce the thiobarbituric acid value (TBARS) when stored at 4℃ for 3d at a mass concentration of 1g/100mL. The effect of aging of beef jerky treated with chitosan coating was investigated, and the results showed that chitosan treatment could inhibit the growth and propagation of aerobic bacteria, such as yeasts and molds, and reduce the degree of muscle oxidation during the aging process, thus improving the quality of beef Yu.
In addition, chitosan was compounded with four kinds of natural essential oils in different ratios to study the preservation effect of chilled beef, and the results showed that the storage period of beef at (4±1)C could be more than 20d by using the compound preservation solution containing grape seed essential oil and lemon essential oil with the mass concentration of 10g/L. The results showed that the preservation effect of chitosan with rosemary essential oil could be more than 20d. The effects of chitosan compounded with rosemary or tocopherol on the oxidation of fat and color stability of meat patties during frozen storage of beef burgers (-18℃℃, 180d) were investigated, and it was shown that chitosan alone or compounded with rosemary or tocopherol could retard lipid peroxidation and ensure the color of meat patties, and among them, the best effect was achieved by the compounding of rosemary and chitosan. A layer of chitosan solution containing cinnamon essential oil was coated on the surface of marinated beef, and it was shown that the total volatilebasic nitrogen (TVB-N) value, water loss rate and total colony number of marinated beef treated with chitosan-cinnamon essential oil composite film were better than those of the blank control group under the condition of refrigeration at 4°C. The volatility of the volatile basic nitrogen and moisture evaporation were also better than the blank control group, and it could slow down the deterioration and water evaporation, and extend the shelf-life of the marinated beef. water evaporation, prolonging the shelf life.
Chitosan-gelatin edible coating was used to preserve retail beef, and the preservation effect of different ratios of chitosan, gelatin and glycerol as coatings was investigated. The study showed that, after 5 d of storage, the quality loss of steaks preserved by the coatings was reduced, and lipid oxidation was inhibited, and the preservation effect of the coatings with higher gelatin concentration was better.

2. What is the application of chitosan in poultry meat?

In recent years, researchers have conducted extensive studies on the preservation of poultry meat products.
The effect of chitosan coating on the shelf life of refrigerated chicken meat products was investigated, and the results showed that the microorganisms in the control samples grew and multiplied rapidly during the storage process, and the oxidation of lipids, odor, color and luster changed, while the physicochemical and microbiological characteristics of the chitosan-coated samples changed less, and the samples were found to have significant inhibition of Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Escherichia coli. .
The effect of carboxymethyl chitosan on the preservation of chilled chicken was investigated, and it was shown that the best preservation effect of carboxymethyl chitosan on chilled chicken was achieved at a mass concentration of 1.5 g/100 mL. Chitosan-coated film and pomegranate juice rich in essential oil of wild rose were used to impregnate chilled chicken, and the study showed that the total viable bacterial counts, the number of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Lactobacillus, Enterobacteriaceae, Cryptobacteriaceae, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae were significantly decreased in the treated meat samples when compared with the control group after 20 d of storage at 4℃, and lipid and protein oxidation of the treated meat samples were both significantly inhibited.
In addition, the chitosan-coated poultry meat could be packaged or sterilized in different ways to achieve better freshness preservation.

3. What is the application of chitosan in ham?

Unlike the results for muscle, chitosan coating had no significant effect on the TBARS value of subcutaneous fat at different mass fractions, and had different effects on the POV value; this may be related to the differences between muscle and subcutaneous fat; unlike deoxidizers and antioxidant complexes, which directly affect the lipid oxidation reaction process, the coating of chitosan takes a long time to have an effect on lipid oxidation in hams.

4.What is the application of chitosan in clarifiers?

Clarifying agent

Chitosan is a straight-chain polysaccharide of glucosamine, when dissolved in acidic fruit wine, the hydrogen ions and amino acid can be combined to form positively charged molecules, which can flocculate and precipitate with the negatively charged proteins, pectin, cellulose and other particles in the fruit wine to play a clarifying role.

To explore the effect of chitosan flocculating and clarifying agent on zinc, manganese, calcium and heavy metal element lead when it is used in refining the aqueous extract of traditional Chinese medicine, Methods: Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer was used to determine the content of zinc, manganese, calcium, lead and other elements in the aqueous extract of traditional Chinese medicine clarified by chitosan, Results: Compared with hydroalcoholic method, the chitosan clarification process can obviously increase the transfer rate of zinc, manganese, calcium and other elements, and meanwhile, there is a certain degree of removal of heavy metal element lead, Conclusion: The effect of chitosan flocculation and precipitation in fruit wines was investigated, and it can flocculate with protein, pectin, cellulose and other particles in fruit wines with negative charge. It was concluded that chitosan as a flocculating and clarifying agent for the refining of aqueous extracts of traditional Chinese medicine has a better prospect.


Role of red wine chitosan clarifier.

Chitosan clarifier is a natural, non-toxic and biodegradable polymer, which is commonly used in the clarification process of red wine. Its functions include the following.
1) Removal of suspended solids: Red wine may produce suspended solids, such as proteins, tannins and pigments, during the winemaking process. Chitosan clarifier can combine with these suspensions to form flocs, thus making red wine clearer.
2) Improve stability:Chitosan clarifier can combine with polyphenols in red wine to form stable complexes and reduce the polymerization of tannins, thus improving the stability of red wine and preventing precipitation and turbidity.
3) Protect the taste and aroma of red wine: Chitosan clarifier will not affect the taste and aroma of red wine during the clarification process, and it can also retain some beneficial components in red wine.


The method of use is as follows.
1) Dissolve chitosan wine clarifier in appropriate amount of water, stir well to make a clarifier solution.
2) Pour the red wine into a clean container, add the clarifier solution and stir well.
3) Seal the container, place it in a cool and dry place, and let it stand for 24-48 hours to let the clarifying agent fully work.
4) At the end of standing, filter off the clarifying agent and sediments with filter or filter paper, and then get the clarified red wine. It should be noted that the amount of chitosan red wine clarifier should be determined according to the variety and quality of red wine, the general recommended amount is 1-2 grams of clarifier per liter of red wine. At the same time, before the use of chitosan wine clarifier, it should be carried out a small-scale test to determine the optimal amount of use and clarification effect.

In conclusion, Chitosan Wine Clarifier is a safe and effective wine clarifier, which can help you to improve the quality and stability of your red wine and make your wine clearer and brighter.

Other studies have shown that chitosan as a clarifying agent is more effective than the normal natural settling method. However, there is no uniform standard for chitosan concentration and treatment time when used as a clarifying agent. For example, the optimum amount of chitosan added to ginger pear wine was 0.06g/100mL, to wine was 0.6g/L, and to wild strawberry wine was 2.2g/L; the optimum amount of chitosan added to ginger pear wine was 0.06g/100mL.


For apple juice.

Take apple juice as an example, use chitosan to clarify apple juice, with the increase of chitosan dosage, its clarification effect is gradually improved, that is, the transmittance T% increases, when the dosage is more than 0.39/L, then T% reaches the maximum value, if the dosage increases again, the transmittance is basically unchanged. This is different from general polymer flocculation, general polymer flocculant, when the dose reaches a certain value, the maximum peak value, the dose increases again, the flocculation effect is reduced, that is, it will make the formed floc become stable colloid again. This characteristic of chitosan’s clarifying effect provides convenience for practical use and operation. Of course, the dose size of chitosan is related to the content of suspended matter in the juice. In the crushing and pressing out of the apple juice, suspended solids are generally composed of dispersed pieces of broken fruit, all the pulp and colloidal cellular material, the type and quantity of these suspended solids, depending on the pressing method and the organizational structure of the fruit is different. If the content of suspended matter in apple juice is different, the dose of chitosan required to achieve the same light transmission rate is also different.

The effect of pH on flocculation is very great, because pH has a great influence on the colloidal particles, the nature of the flocculant and its action. When the pH value of apple juice in the range of 3-5, chitosan clarification effect is very good. Beyond this range, the clarification effect of chitosan decreases. The pH of apple juice is generally within this range, which is suitable for chitosan clarification.

Chitosan clarification method and the current industrial production of apple juice used in the enzyme method compared, not only better clarification effect, and clarification time is greatly reduced, speed up the production cycle, in the operation is also simple and convenient, the cost of treatment can be reduced to 1/2-1/3, so if chitosan clarification instead of the enzyme method of production of apple juice, it will produce a greater economic benefits. This method can also be popularized and applied to the production of hawthorn juice, kiwi juice and other clear juice.

5. What is the application of chitosan in thickeners?

As a kind of polysaccharide, chitosan can produce gelation with protein to increase its consistency, and has been widely used in products with high protein content, such as surimi products and meat fillings. In addition, chitosan is also often used in the production of tofu – to improve its gel strength and extend the shelf life In addition to being a thickener, chitosan can also increase the physiological activity of food, such as regulating immunity, improving intestinal function, lowering blood lipids and so on. In the future, the research on the compounding of chitosan with other thickeners will be one of the research directions to reduce the cost and improve the products.

The larger the molecular weight of chitosan, the better its thickening effect. This is because the cross-linking effect between chitosan molecules with large molecular weight is stronger, and the gel formed is more compact, thus making the sudden liquid more thick.

The thickening effect of chitosan is also affected by other factors, such as pH value, temperature, salt concentration and so on. Under acidic conditions, the positive charge of chitosan will increase, and the thickening effect will be enhanced. Under alkaline conditions, the negative ions of chitosan will increase and the thickening effect will be weakened. Elevated temperature will accelerate the movement speed of chitosan molecules, and the thickening effect will be weakened. The increase of salt concentration will neutralize the positive charge of chitosan, and the thickening effect will be weakened.

In addition to being used as a thickener in the fields of food, medicine and cosmetics, chitosan also has other application values. For example, it can be used as a bio-adhesive for tissue repair and controlled release of drugs, as an adsorbent for water treatment and environmental remediation; it can also be used as a nano-material to play an important role in material science and nanotechnology.

Chitosan is a very useful natural polymer compound with good thickening effect and other applications. Understanding the thickening principle of chitosan will help us to apply it better and play a greater role in various fields.


6. What is the application of chitosan in food additives?

Chitosan and its derivatives can be used as food additives for the preparation of microcapsules of lactic acid bacteria, enzymes, vitamins, etc.; they can also be used to thicken, stabilize and increase the viscosity and texture of food.

Chitosan can also be used as a thickener and stabilizer. China has approved the use of chitosan as a food thickener in 2007. Studies have shown that after chitosan is made into microcrystals or dispersions, its emulsifying, thickening and stabilizing properties will be further improved, and it is effective in cold drink products. And chitosan as a thickener, stabilizer, can be used in the production of bread products, jam and other food products.

Chitosan has lower blood pressure, blood lipids, enhance immunity, etc., according to a certain percentage added to health products, can play a role in weight loss, anti-cancer regulation of trace elements, etc., because of this characteristic, chitin, chitosan is widely used in toothpaste, toothpaste, chewing gum, milk chocolate, etc. not only has a good taste, and can play a role in preventing dental caries and periodontal disease, healing wounds, hemostasis, and elimination of bad breath, etc. “. In addition, soluble chitosan added to the food, but also help the body to absorb the required mineral elements such as calcium, iron, zinc and so on.

7. What is the application of chitosan in preservative?

Traditional commercial freshness preservation mainly uses physical preservation methods, such as drying, refrigeration, freezing, and vacuum-sealed preservation . …However, such methods often have unsatisfactory preservation effect and high cost. Because chitosan has good film-forming and bacteriostatic properties, it can effectively inhibit the growth and reproduction of many kinds of bacteria on the surface of food, especially on the inhibition of Gram-positive bacteria is very obvious, so it has become a new material with potential in the food preservation industry.

Currently, preservatives are widely used in aquatic preservation, i.e., by inhibiting the growth of microorganisms in fish to slow down the deterioration, and chitosan’s film-forming properties can meet this demand. Chitosan, tea polyphenols and lemon juice were used to treat 4℃ refrigerated rainbow trout fillets, and it was shown that chitosan had more inhibitory properties than the other two substances to inhibit the deterioration of product quality. The combination of chitosan and fish protein was found to be effective in controlling microbial and enzyme activities as well as reducing the fat oxidation of shrimp.

Application of chitosan in aquatic products and their products.

As aquatic products contain a variety of unsaturated fatty acids and rich in protein, high water content, so after fishing, if not immediately take effective preservation measures, it is easy to rot and deteriorate, and even under refrigeration conditions can still occur fat oxidation and microbial reproduction, so effective preservation technology is very important for aquatic products to maintain the quality. Different concentrations of chitosan were used to coat yellow croaker for preservation and to observe the quality changes of yellow croaker during storage at 4°C. The results showed that chitosan coating with a mass concentration of 1.5g/100mL was the most effective for preservation, and it could maintain the sensory quality of yellow croaker and extend the shelf-life of yellow croaker up to 12 d. The effect of chitosan coating on monocyte proliferation in fish broth was also investigated under the conditions of different temperatures (4, 12, and 37°C). The effect on the growth and reproduction of Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella spp. in fish soup was studied at different temperatures (4, 12 and 37°C), and the results showed that the packaging material coated with chitosan-sodium acetate could reduce the microorganisms in liquid food such as fish soup by less than 1 (lg(CFU/ml)) within 5h, which had obvious preservation effect.

In addition, the freshness preservation effect of chitosan compounded with other preservatives was also obvious. The freshness preservation effect of chitosan and tea polyphenols on refrigerated tilapia was evaluated with tilapia as raw material under the cold storage condition of 4°C. It was shown that the total bacterial counts, TBARS values, TVB-N values, and freshness K values of the tilapia compounded with tea polyphenols and chitosan were significantly lower than that of the control group; and the total bacterial counts, TBARS values, TVB-N values, and freshness K values of the tilapia compounded with tea polyphenols and chitosan were also significantly lower than that of the control group. The total bacterial counts, TBARS values, TVBN values and freshness K values of tilapia treated with glutamate were significantly lower than those of the control group.
PS: Glutamate can replace monosodium glutamate (MSG) to improve the freshness.


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