June 18, 2024 Longchang Chemical

PERFLUOROPOLYETHER(PFPE) CAS 69991-67-9/60164-51-4

CAS: 69991-67-9/60164-51-4

Other Name: Perfluoropolymethylisopropyl-ether; Perfluorosolv PFS-2; vacuum pump oil; Galden® HT 70; perfluoropolyether

Molecular Fomula: [CF(CF3)CF2O]x(CF2O)y

Molecular Weight: 0

Appearance: Colorless, tasteless, transparent liquid

Assay: 99%min


Items Specifications Resuslt
Appearance Colorless liquid Confirm
Specific gravity/(20℃,g/cm3) 1.78-1.88 1.84
Viscosity /(25 ℃mm2/s) / 7.5
Viscosity /(40 ℃,mm2/s)mm2/s) / 5.36
molecular weight(g/mol ) 750- 950 880
Pour point℃ ≤73 Confirmed
acid value <0.05 0.02
Heat of vaporization% 80℃ 16.71
Heat of vaporization% 121℃ 78.41
Evaporation loss %in22hr 48.42



Perfluoropolyethers (PFPE) was first studied in the 1960s. It is a kind of special perfluoropolyethers. Its average molecular weight ranges from 500 to 15000. There are only C, F, O three chemical book elements in the molecule. It has the characteristics of heat resistance, oxidation resistance, radiation resistance, corrosion resistance, incombustibility, etc. It has been used as an extremely reliable lubricant in military, aerospace, nuclear industry and other cutting-edge fields for decades. Today, perfluoropolyether is widely used in chemical industry, electronics, electrical appliances, machinery, nuclear industry, aerospace.

1.Thermo-oxidative stability

In the absence of effective catalysts, even in the presence of oxygen, perfluoropolyethers are still stable in the range of 270℃~300℃. The presence of some catalysts or inhibitors will change the thermal stability limit and degradation rate of perfluoropolyethers. Some metals such as Ti,A1 and its alloys, metal oxides such as A1203 and metal fluorides such as FeF3, A1F3, etc. can reduce the degradation temperature of perfluoropolyethers, and the degradation temperature generally decreases by about 50℃ if oxygen is present.

2.Chemical inertness

Perfluoropolyether does not react with most of the corrosive chemicals such as acid, alkali and oxidizing agent, showing strong chemical inertness. However, some strong nucleophilic reagents, such as dry ammonia and active metals such as A1, Mg, Na, K, etc., can make PFPE decompose and reduce its thermal stability.


Perfluoropolyether has compatibility with many substances, such as JP-4 fuel, hydrocarbon fuels, metamethylhydrazine, diethylenetriamine,

Hydrogen peroxide, liquid oxygen, etc. In addition, Z-type and Y-type perfluoropolyethers have good compatibility with plastics and elastomers.

4. Radiation resistance

Perfluoropolyether oil is very stable to radiation and has the lowest viscosity growth rate compared with hydrocarbon and silicone oil under the same dose.

5. Flame resistance

The flame resistance of perfluoropolyether is very obvious, compared with other types of lubricants, it is more suitable for high temperature and harsh operating environment, such as being widely used in the lubrication of aviation machinery components.

6.Dielectric properties

Perfluoropolyether has excellent dielectric properties with high dielectric strength, high resistivity, low dielectric constant and low dielectric loss angle tangent.

Packaging And Shipping

25KG/drum, 50KG/drum . Usually 1 pallet load 500KG

Belongs to common goods and can deliver by sea or air

Keep And Storage

Validity: 2years

Ventilation low temperature drying; with acid, ammonia salt stored separately.

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In my opinion, new products based on the opacity of market information, to a large extent, has become a guarantee of high profits in production, but this has also become the main reason for the development of China’s fine chemical industry constraints. Many enterprises are mostly concerned about the feasibility of extending the industrial chain of fine chemical products while examining the development direction of their own enterprises. The market research and investigation of fine chemical products are of great significance for promoting the development of Chinese fine chemical industry and providing the industry chain extension direction for enterprises. In this paper, the basic market situation of perfluoropolyether will be analysed.

According to Baidu Encyclopedia, perfluoropolyether is a synthetic polymer that is liquid at room temperature, colourless, odourless, transparent liquid at room temperature, soluble only in perfluorinated organic solvents. Perfluoropolyether is mainly used in advanced lubricants, vacuum pump oil, heat transfer fluid, etc. It belongs to one kind of high-end lubricants, and has been used as lubricants for space machinery components for decades. According to the investigation, there are two production processes for perfluoropolyethers, photo-oxidation and anionic polymerisation. Among them, K-type and D-type perfluoropolyethers are synthesized by anionic polymerization. D-type perfluoropolyethers are synthesized from tetrafluorooxetane monomers, and the intermediates are synthesized through ring opening and polymerization processes, and the intermediates are fluoridated with fluorine gas to synthesize the final products of perfluoropolyethers. K-type perfluoropolyethers are synthesized from hexafluoroepoxypropane as the raw material, and they are synthesized through anionic polymerization in a non-proton polar solvent using fluoride ions as the catalysts.

Y-type and Z-type perfluoropolyethers take hexafluoropropylene and tetrafluoroethylene as the main raw materials, respectively, and are polymerised to form straight-chain polymers by reacting with oxygen under the action of ultraviolet light. Photo-oxidative polymerisation is free radical polymerisation, in which UV light triggers the breakage of the double bond to form a free radical, which triggers the copolymerisation of hexafluoropropylene or tetrafluoroethylene with oxygen. The composition of the synthetic product of this method is more complex, but the polymerisation degree is higher, the molecular weight does not exist long branched chain, and has better low temperature resistance. Perfluoropolyethers have very broad application scenarios as high-end lubricants, in the fields of high-vacuum fluorine ether oils, high-performance greases/base oils, and perfluoropolyether methanol intermediates, and so on. In the chemical industry, PFPE is the lubricant of vacuum pump, and in the operating environment of corrosive gas, etc., PFPE exists as irreplaceable lubricant. In addition, PFPE is used in plasma plasma etching, LPCVD and plasma cultivation technology to produce semiconductors when some vacuum mechanical pumps, in which vacuum pumps need to use PFPE as a lubricant. In the machinery industry, multi-vacuum bearings, conveyor belts, paper and textile machinery industry, machinery with lubricants, are also perfluoropolyether production. In the aerospace field, perfluoropolyether has a wide range of liquid temperature, low evaporation, high static viscosity, very low vapour pressure, low flow temperature and good high pressure lubrication, which has a very common application in the aerospace field.

For the market situation of perfluoropolyether, after my investigation, I found that I got the following conclusions;

1, China is one of the largest countries in the world in terms of consumption of perfluoropolyether lubricants, China’s perfluoropolyether lubricants, in aerospace, high-end machinery, electronic industry, chemical industry has a very wide range of applications. Among them, the application of perfluoropolyether is very common in high-end machinery processing and manufacturing, chemical machinery production and aerospace industry.

2, although China is the world’s largest producer of perfluoropolyether, but China’s self-production is relatively small, less than 300 tonnes of self-produced perfluoropolyether per year, a large number of imported resources to supplement. The global scale PFPE producers are: 3M, DuPont, Daikin. The representative domestic PFPE producers are: China Great Wall Lubricant, Chenzhou Fluorine Chemical, Hesfook Chemical, Fujian Province Weikai New Material, etc.

3、There are about 8 domestic PFPE producers, but there are only 3 real PFPE producers, and the rest of them have the possibility to produce PFPE, but based on technical reasons, they have not achieved stable production.

4、China imports more than 1000 tonnes of PFPE every year, and China’s annual consumption is about 1300 tonnes, and in the past few years, the consumption growth rate is more than 10%.

5、Comprehensively speaking, the application and consumption of PFPE in China are in the initial stage, and the industrial production has not been realised, and the industrial technology is relatively backward, and the quality gap of PFPE lubricant produced in China is bigger than that of the imported one.

6、With the development of China’s electronic industry and new industries, the application of perfluoropolyether in China is expanding at a high speed, and new applications of perfluoropolyether such as: anti-fingerprint protection of LCD screen, underwater sealing of electronic connector equipment, permanent ground filler, perfluoropolyether mixed with lithium salt as a stabilisation of lithium battery electrolyte, as well as as the toughness of the modifiers in the field of high-end new materials, etc. I believe that perfluoropolyether is used as a new material for the production and consumption in China, which is in the beginning stage. In my opinion, the application of perfluoropolyether as high-end new materials, the future application areas will be rapidly expanding, especially to meet the high temperature mechanical properties of new energy vehicles, as well as high stability, corrosion resistance and anti-wear ability of high-end lubricants, etc., will become a representative product of the lubricant industry in the future. For this reason, I expect that the future market consumption growth rate of perfluoropolyether will be more than 10%, and with the advancement and upgrading of China’s technology, perfluoropolyether will have a very broad market in the future.

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