January 11, 2024 Longchang Chemical

Chlorinated polypropylene (CPP for short) is a structure containing Cl groups of polypropylene (PP) chemical modification products, the appearance of white or yellowish solid, non-toxic and tasteless, stable below 150C, melting point of 100-120 ℃, decomposition temperature of 180-190 ℃, the chlorine content can be as high as 65%, can be dissolved in other solvents in addition to alcohols and aliphatic hydrocarbons, and its abrasion, aging and acid resistance are better. Its abrasion resistance, aging resistance and acid resistance are good, has become one of the important products of polypropylene chemical modification, has a wide range of applications in coatings, adhesives, ink color carrier and leather treatment agents.

1, chlorinated polypropylene categories and structural features

Usually CPP can be divided into two categories, highly chlorinated polypropylene and low chlorinated polypropylene, according to the different degree of chlorination. Highly chlorinated polypropylene chlorination degree is generally 63% ~ 67%, mainly used as a substitute for chlorinated rubber, paint adhesives and flame retardants, etc.; low chlorinated polypropylene chlorination degree is generally 20% ~ 40%, mainly used for adhesives, such as polypropylene film heat sealing pre-coating, polypropylene products, printing inks, and paints, such as the color carrier.

In addition, according to the different raw materials of polypropylene can be divided into chlorinated isotropic polypropylene (CIPP) and chlorinated atactic polypropylene (CAPP). CIPP and CAPP as a result of chlorination before the use of raw materials such as polypropylene and atactic polypropylene crystalline state of the significant differences between the former for the crystalline state, the latter for the amorphous form, so the CIPP and CAPP performance there are certain differences in the scope of application is not the same.

Some researchers used nuclear magnetic resonance (C13-NMR) to study the structure of a series of CAPP, and the results show that, in the range of 0~52.84% chlorination, mainly monochlorine substitution, dichlorine substitution is rare. The relative chlorination activities of three of the primary, secondary and tertiary hydrogens are R-(-CH)>R-(-CH2)>R-(-CH3), and the chlorination reaction occurs relatively homogeneously on the molecular chain of the random polypropylene.

The relationship between the structure and properties of iso-gauge polypropylene has also been studied, but the chlorination activity of iso-gauge polypropylene is in the order of R-(-CH2) > R-(-CH) > R-(-CH3), which suggests that the chlorination activity of iso-gauge polypropylene is not only related to the bonding energy, but also related to the conformation of the macromolecular chain, which may be the case that, in the molecular chain of iso-gauge polypropylene, the -CH3 is weakened due to the regular arrangement of the – ( CH) and increase the reactivity of hydrogen in -(-CH2) due to the regular arrangement of -CH3 in isotactic polypropylene molecular chain.

2. Performance characteristics of chlorinated polypropylene

The specific molecular structure of chlorinated polypropylene determines that it has the following series of basic properties.

① CPP has good corrosion resistance to acid and alkali, oil resistance, heat resistance, ultraviolet radiation resistance and other properties. Polarity of the molecular chain, determining its good dyeability.

The melting point of CPP decreases rapidly with the increase of the degree of chlorination, when the chlorine content is about 30% of its melting point is the lowest, homogeneous reaction and non-homogeneous reaction of the CPP has a different lowest melting point, even with the same degree of chlorination, their lowest melting point is different. the melting of CIPP and CAPP is different, with the increase in the content of random matter, the melting point increases accordingly.

(iii) The relative solubility of CPP increases with the increase of the degree of chlorination. For homogeneous reaction CPP and non-homogeneous reaction CPP, when the degree of chlorination is comparable, the degree of chlorination of the former is only 1/3 of that of the latter.

④When the degree of chlorination is 30%, CPP has a crystal structure, when it is lower than 30%, it is difficult to dissolve in the solvent, and it is easier to gel at room temperature; it is easy to be dissolved at higher temperatures, and the gel temperature is linear with the degree of chlorination and decreases with the increase of the degree of chlorination.

⑤ CPP has good bonding effect on polypropylene. Non-homogeneous CPP has higher crystallinity, its bonding (bonding coefficient) is greater than homogeneous CPP, and the bonding of the two with the increase in the degree of chlorination and become smaller.

When the chlorine content is less than 35%, CIPP bonding strength than CAPP; when the degree of chlorination is the same, suspension chlorination of CIPP bonding strength than solution chlorination; if the same solution chlorination, when the raw material polypropylene and chlorination of the same degree, the bad solvent CAPP than the good solvent bonding strength of CAPP, these differences are due to the difference in CPP’s degree of crystallization due to the difference in the crystallinity of the CPP, the higher the degree of crystallinity, the higher the bonding coefficient of CPP. These differences are due to the different crystallinity of CPP, the higher the degree of crystallinity of CPP, the better the bonding strength, the application performance of CPP with the degree of chlorination and degree of polymerization of the relationship is shown in the table below.

Application Properties Chlorination degree of aggregation
Bonding strength The lower the better having nothing to do with
Flame retardancy The higher the better Irrelevant
Solubility The higher the better The lower the better
Compatibility The higher the better The lower the better
Weatherability The lower the better The higher the better
Oil resistance The lower the better The higher the better
Drying speed The higher the better The higher the better
Wettability with pigments The higher the better The lower the better
Gloss of coated surface The higher, the better. The lower, the better.

The degree of polymerization listed in the above table is the degree of polymerization of CPP, not the degree of polymerization of raw polypropylene, because polypropylene in the chlorination reaction, often resulting in partial degradation of the polymer.

3、Transformative Brilliance in Every Application with Chlorinated Polypropylene

CPP is mainly used in coatings, adhesives for polypropylene films, adhesives for paints and color carriers for inks for polypropylene products.

① Biaxially oriented isotropic polypropylene (BOPP) film coating. Coated with CPP biaxially oriented isotropic polypropylene film, with good heat sealing, moisture resistance and dimensional stability, but also conducive to printing and reduce the heat sealing temperature, can be used in place of cellophane for packaging gifts, cigarettes, tape cartridges, etc., is now widely used.

② BOPP film and paper adhesive. BOPP film laminated in the paper has been printed, you can greatly improve the durability of printed materials, waterproof and color brightness, is now used in large quantities for book covers, advertising products, high-level packaging, etc., can be used as a laminated CPP adhesive.

③ Inside coating of BOPP film pressure-sensitive adhesive tape. CPP coated in BOPP film for the inner coating, and then coated with pressure-sensitive adhesive coating, you can make excellent performance of pressure-sensitive adhesive tape.

④ Printing ink for polypropylene film. CPP formulated ink for polypropylene or its copolymer films have good printing performance.

⑤ Coating for polypropylene injection molded products.CPP can be used as coating for polypropylene in injection molded products such as automobile parts and interior decorative materials, industrial and civil equipments, which is durable, and is divided into two-step coating and one-step coating according to the different coating process in the actual process.

⑥Other uses. Chlorinated polypropylene can be used as a compression layer for polypropylene film and aluminum foil, a sealant for polypropylene pipe joints, and a softening and improving agent for polypropylene fibers.

Chlorinated polypropylene can be used for bonding carbon powder, manufacturing carbon electrodes, used in the battery industry, the preparation of impact-resistant cationic polymerization catalysts, the preparation of pharmaceutical suppositories and for the preparation of cutting fluids and so on.

High chlorine content chlorinated polypropylene can be used as a flame retardant or auxiliary plasticizer for the plastic industry or rubber industry, the manufacture of a variety of plastic and rubber products. Chlorinated polypropylene has semiconductor properties after treatment with NH3, and can be more widely used after modification with melamine.

As a processing aid for fibers, chlorinated polypropylene-treated fabrics are stiff, flame retardant, waterproof, and the handfeel can be greatly improved, showing good prospects for application.

What are the advantages of chlorinated polypropylene (green synthetic resin) in printing lamination ink?

Advantages: mainly used in BOPP printing process, applicable to multi-layer composite process, to meet the general packaging requirements, affordable price, the current market share is high.

Disadvantages: the use of substrate restrictions, unable to meet the PET (polyester film), NY (nylon film) and other high-grade composite flexible packaging peel strength requirements.

What is the market potential of chlorinated polypropylene in inks?

Chlorinated polypropylene (CPP) has great market potential in the ink industry due to its wide range of properties to meet the changing needs of the printing and packaging industry. As a thermoplastic polymer, CPP has become the preferred choice for formulating high performance inks due to its excellent adhesion, chemical resistance and durability.

One of the key factors driving the market potential for chlorinated polypropylene inks is its excellent adhesion properties.CPP has a strong ability to bond to a variety of substrates, including non-polar surfaces such as polyethylene and polypropylene. This adhesion is particularly important in the ink industry, where adhesion to different materials is required for optimal print quality and durability.

In addition, chlorinated polypropylene’s resistance to chemicals and solvents makes it more suitable for inks used in challenging environments. Inks formulated with chlorinated polypropylene are resistant to harsh chemicals, making them ideal for applications such as packaging, labeling and industrial printing where resistance to external factors is critical. This chemical resistance ensures that printed content remains vibrant and clear over time, thereby extending the life of the printed material.

Another market potential of CPP inks is their compatibility with various printing technologies. Whether it is flexographic, gravure or screen printing, CPP can be adapted to different processes, providing flexibility for ink manufacturers and printers. This versatility makes chlorinated polypropylene an important component in the formulation of inks that meet the diverse requirements of the printing industry.

In addition, chlorinated polypropylene enhances the mechanical properties of the ink, which adds to its appeal. Inks with chlorinated polypropylene typically have better scratch resistance, flexibility and overall durability. This is especially beneficial in applications where the printed material may be subjected to handling, abrasion or other physical stresses. Enhanced mechanical properties help to improve the longevity and visual appeal of printed materials, meeting the high standards demanded by a variety of end users.

The growing demand for sustainable and eco-friendly solutions in the printing industry is further driving the market potential of CPP inks. With manufacturers and consumers increasingly focusing on eco-friendly alternatives, chlorinated polypropylene (CPP) stands out due to its recyclability and lower environmental impact as compared to some traditional ink components. Ink formulations containing chlorinated polypropylene are in line with the industry’s sustainability goals and are appealing to environmentally conscious companies and consumers.

In conclusion, the market potential for chlorinated polypropylene in inks is vast and multifaceted. Its excellent adhesion properties, chemical resistance, compatibility with different printing technologies, enhanced mechanical properties and environmental sustainability are making it increasingly popular in the ink industry. As the printing and packaging industry continues to evolve, chlorinated polypropylene will play a vital role in driving innovation and meeting the dynamic demands of the market.

What is the effect of chlorinated polypropylene on ink performance?

Chlorinated polypropylene (CPP) is a thermoplastic polymer that has a significant impact on ink performance, enhancing adhesion, chemical resistance and overall durability. As a versatile material, CPP can be used to formulate inks for a variety of applications, and its impact on ink performance is critical to achieving optimal results.

Adhesion is a key factor in ink performance, especially when it comes to ensuring that inks adhere effectively to different substrates. Chlorinated polypropylene (CPP) excels in this area, providing strong adhesion to a variety of materials, including non-polar surfaces such as polyethylene and polypropylene. Adding CPP to ink formulations improves adhesion and ensures that the ink adheres firmly to the substrate, resulting in clear, durable prints. This effect is particularly beneficial to the packaging industry, where ink adhesion to different materials is critical to product branding and messaging.

Chemical resistance is another key aspect affected by the chlorinated polypropylene content of inks. Chlorinated polypropylene is highly resistant to chemicals and solvents, making it ideal for inks that may come into contact with irritants. In packaging, labeling and industrial printing, where printed materials may be exposed to a variety of chemicals during their life cycle, the chemical resistance offered by CPP ensures the durability and integrity of printed content. This effect contributes to the reliability of printed materials in demanding environments.

The compatibility of CPP with a wide range of printing technologies is an important advantage that affects ink performance. Whether the printing process is flexographic, gravure or screen printing, chlorinated polypropylene combines well with different formulations. This versatility allows ink manufacturers and printers to select CPPs based on the specific requirements of their process, thereby increasing the adaptability and efficiency of the printing industry.

The addition of chlorinated polypropylene has a positive impact on the mechanical properties of the ink. Inks formulated with chlorinated polypropylene typically have greater scratch resistance, flexibility and overall durability. The improved mechanical properties help to increase the flexibility of the printed material, making it more resistant to abrasion. This effect is particularly important in applications where the printed material may be subjected to handling, transportation or other physical stresses, ensuring that the ink maintains its quality and appearance over time.

In addition, the environmental impact of inks is an increasingly important consideration for the printing industry. Chlorinated polypropylene is a recyclable material that contributes to the sustainability of ink formulations. The environmentally friendly properties of chlorinated polypropylene coincide with the printing industry’s increasing focus on environmental protection. Ink manufacturers and end-users alike are choosing formulations containing CPP as a step towards achieving sustainability goals, thereby positively impacting the overall environmental footprint of the printing process.

In summary, the impact of CPP on ink performance is multifaceted and highly beneficial. Its positive impact on adhesion, chemical resistance, compatibility with printing technology and mechanical properties contribute to the overall quality and durability of printed materials. As the printing industry continues to evolve, the versatility and advantageous properties of chlorinated polypropylene make it a key ingredient in ink formulations, driving innovation and meeting the diverse needs of the market.

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