January 3, 2022 Longchang Chemical

With the transformation and relocation of hazardous chemical companies entering a critical period this year, the process of retreating from cities to parks in major coastal chemical provinces such as Shandong and Jiangsu has accelerated. At the same time, the confidence of many foreign-funded chemical companies in investing in China has not diminished. Many chemical parks in the northeast and central and western regions have also “built nests to attract phoenix”, and the tide of westward and northward transfers is rising.

Entering a new stage of high-quality development

Petroleum and chemical industries are important energy, raw material industries and pillar industries of the national economy. They are technology-intensive, capital-intensive, talent-intensive, economic aggregates, and industries highly correlated. They are closely related to economic development and people’s lives.

Data show that in 2018, the petroleum and chemical industry achieved main operating income of 12.4 trillion yuan, which accounted for an increase of 0.3% in the total industrial economy to 30.1%, and achieved a total profit of 839.4 billion yuan, an increase in the proportion of total industrial profit by 1.4. %, reaching 30.7%. In the first quarter of this year, operating income was nearly 3 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 4.6%.

Although the chemical park, as an important carrier, started late, its development speed is relatively fast. As of the end of 2018, there were 676 industrial parks with petroleum and chemical industries as the leading industries in the country, including 57 national-level chemical parks, 351 provincial-level chemical parks, and 268 prefecture-level chemical parks. In terms of output value distribution, there are 33 large chemical parks with a value of 50-100 billion, 224 medium-sized parks with a value of 10-50 billion, and 405 small-scale parks with an output value of less than 10 billion.

Judging from the “Top 30 China Chemical Parks in 2019” released by the forum, the top 30 chemical parks contributed about one-fifth of the petrochemical sales revenue and about one-fourth of the total profit of the country in 2018, reaching 2.55 trillion yuan respectively. RMB 211.58 billion.

The chairman of the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation pointed out that the current petrochemical industry in my country is showing an overall stable overall situation, and the chemical park has also entered a new stage of high-quality development. However, we should also be aware of the severe challenges facing the industry. In the first quarter of this year, the entire industry has experienced new problems such as declining profits, and the uncertainty of the international environment, safety and environmental protection has increased. At the same time, compared with multinational companies, my country’s chemical companies still have strong constraints on high-end cutting-edge technology innovation, and the gap in economic efficiency is still large. In addition, in the current high-quality development of my country’s chemical parks, there are problems such as inconspicuous industrial characteristics, non-standard management, insignificant agglomeration effects, and the need to strengthen social responsibilities.

The vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People’s Congress also stated that my country’s petroleum and petrochemical industry has entered a new stage of high-quality development. A series of issues such as weak environmental governance must promote the high-quality construction and development of chemical parks.

“Cages for Birds” Accelerate the process of retreating from the city and entering the park

Striving to explore new ways for the high-quality development of China’s chemical parks, Li Shousheng’s first suggestion is to “promote the safe entry of enterprises into the parks in an orderly manner, and consolidate the results of the remediation and investigation of the chemical parks.” In his view, where included The chemical companies on the list must take this relocation as an important opportunity for their transformation and upgrading.

It is understood that in 2017, the General Office of the State Council issued the “Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Relocation and Reconstruction of Hazardous Chemicals Production Enterprises in Urban and Population-Dense Areas”, proposing that small and medium-sized enterprises and large-scale enterprises with major hidden risks will all start relocation and reconstruction by the end of 2018, and by the end of 2020 Completed before the end; other large enterprises and super large enterprises will all start the relocation and transformation before the end of 2020, and complete before the end of 2025.

And this year is a critical year for accomplishing the goal. According to reports, the chemical park is an important carrier for undertaking the relocation and transformation of enterprises. This year, the special working group for the relocation and transformation of hazardous chemical production enterprises will specifically promote the assessment and certification of the park as an important task. Before that, the provinces must first carry out self-examinations. Shandong, Jiangsu, etc. have already taken action.

Shandong, a major chemical province, is also accelerating the “cage change for birds”, leveraging scarce resources such as chemical parks, specialized chemical parks, and key monitoring points to properly “close projects” and vigorously promote the safety and environmental protection transformation and upgrading of the chemical industry. At the same time, ensure that key projects that are in line with the direction of industrial upgrading and have strong driving forces are converted into real productivity as soon as possible, and promote the conversion of new and old kinetic energy in the province’s chemical industry.

“We plan to build a high-level petrochemical technology research and development center to seize the commanding heights of industrial development, and to produce more high-end products with high added value and good market prospects. We are confident that within eight to ten years, the petrochemical energy new material industry will become a world-class technology. Level of trillion-level industrial clusters.”

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